Red Flags

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Re: Red Flags

Post by NautiWeasel »

Tandjmei8 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:42 pm
NautiWeasel wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:45 am
jhnmdahl wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:28 am

Seems like it would be obvious if you were actively pulling someone - it's when you're no longer actively pulling them that they're at risk!
Yep, my thoughts exactly, but I wasn't going to argue with law enforcement. That's never a good idea, or a winning option.
Good discussion. I’m actually opposite on this one. I’ve had other boaters come up to me to say that if we’re anchored and swimming, then we need to have the flag up, which is incorrect. The flag is to signal to other boaters that there is a skier down, so other boats need to look further away from the boat - scan the area. If I’m anchored and they don’t notice a 25’ boat, then I don’t think the orange flag is going to help them…they’ve already broken a lot of boating safety rules by that point.
I see your point as well. Agreed, good discussion. I guess what gives me solace is that we are all thinking about this, and that alone tells me that we all care about what happens around us. If only everyone could be so vigilant!
Nauti Weasel
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Re: Red Flags

Post by jhnmdahl »

A dive flag typically indicates a diver may be in the water, but is really for the safety of the diver when at the surface. It's commonly used for snorkeling, spearfishing, etc. too, so may be a reasonable option for swimming off the boat if they don't like a solid flag?
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Re: Red Flags

Post by painkiller »

Yeah, I've noticed that too. I grew up boating, and we always used the red flag. Lately, though, it seems like people don't bother. I often find myself squinting to spot a skier or tuber in the water when a boat is stopped. Maybe it's a mix of newer boaters not knowing the rules and others just being careless. It's pretty frustrating. Stay safe out there!
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Re: Red Flags

Post by WaveSplitter »

Yeah, I’ve seen that too. Back when I was younger, we always used to use the red flag to let everyone know there was a skier or tuber in the water. Lately, though, it feels like no one bothers with it anymore. Last summer, I was out on the lake and had to play detective trying to spot a skier without any flags or signals. It’s like people just don’t care about those old safety rules anymore.
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