Rockford Fosgate Stereo - no power

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Rockford Fosgate Stereo - no power

Post by billk2632 »

My 2014 R5 has the Rockford Fosgate RFX5000 that came with the boat (an upgrade might be on the horizon, but for now it's fine -- until it's not!). Overall it does the job for now, but I have had a strange thing happen a few times. Yesterday for example - I start the boat up and we are idling away from the dock - and the stereo will not power on - no response at all from the power button and nothing on the display - no power at all to the unit. So, I turn the engine off, then start it back up and the stereo powers up fine. We went to a few different places, turn the boat off/on, used the stereo while anchored and not issues. This has happened a handful of times, but seems more frequent now. Batteries were new last year and seem to be fine - I have seen where the RF unit needs a minimum amount of voltage - 10.5v I think - I don't think that is the issue.

Anyone else had this problem?
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Re: Rockford Fosgate Stereo - no power

Post by jhnmdahl »

First thing I would do is check the electrical connections on both ends for the head unit and for the remote to make sure they look clean and secure, then plug and unplug them a handful of times (e.g., 10-20) to "clean" the contact and make sure they are touching each other. If that doesn't solve it, I'd start measuring voltages and see if I notice anything unusual.
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2015 210 (Volvo Penta 5.7L V8-225)
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